Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tweet This Marketers

Playing The Ostritch

I just read a study conducted at Penn State's School of Information Science and Technology indicating that 20% of all tweetss mention a specific brand, product or service by name. While all marketers know that not every mention will be a positive mention, isn't it better to play in a space where you can react to both positive and negative comments, than to ignore it? marketers who choose to ignore social media remind me of the ostrich with its head in the sand. His ugly tail feathers are exposed to the world yet he deliberately remains oblivious to his surroundings. The world revolves and evolves without his participation.

The web has taught us OnLine media is trackable and measurable. So the challenge is how do we measure social media to justify the expenditure? The most obvious is just simply increase activity or mentions. Has the click throu rate on banner campaigns and SEM increased? Has the coc decreased since you aded social media to your OnLine plan?

Here's the bottom line. If you aren't prepared to respond quickly and deal with some negative comments, play ostrich. Stay off the social media sites and show the world your tail feathers.

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