Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Business Etiquette Fundamentals

Call me old fashioned. Even though this post is going to date me I can't stop myself from writing it. When I went to elementary school I was taught spelling, grammar and punctuation. Then in middle school I learned the appropriate way to write a business or personal letter. In college I studied business etiquette and ethics in my marketing and advertising classes.

I feel like upcoming generations will not know it is not ok to text in a meeting. They won't truly respect or understand the importance of appropriate sentence structure, good grammar or spelling. U no wat im sayin? LOL!!! How can they learn to read voice tone, non verbal cues and facial expressions when their preferred method of communication is texting? Each generation is more technologically savvy than its predisessor. More is expected of them. They have more demand on their time. They will be far more advanced in so many ways. Yet the come so unprepared because in the business world technology is critical; but it will never replace the human relationship side.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Is It Really All About the Click?

Is there no longer any value to the branding? When evaluating OnLine media, are clicks and click through rates all that matter now?

If this is true, why would we ever run a display advertising campaign? If it is really all about the click isn't it more efficient to only run SEM and pay on a cpc basis?

Yes, you are limited in what you can say about yourself. Yes, the search engines haven't released the magical data which allows an advertiser to know exactly how to raise their score and position. Yes, you only get a small ad with a few words. That brings us to the age old question...does size really matter?

Display ads, even just animated gifs allow advertisers to be creative. They allow you more than a small headline. They allow advertisers to differentiate themselves from their competition. I see display ads as the best of both worlds. Display is just as accountable and trackable as SEM. But, instead of half a headline, advertisers can tell a bit more of a story. And for you traditional media types who remember Paul Harvey...he made a good living communicating The Rest of The Story. I'm not Paul Harvey, but this is the rest of my story.